Week 9

My first photographer for the week is Joel Myerowitz who's website can be seen here. I have chosen his landscape images as they are the ones I find most interesting.  His use of color is absolueltly breath taking and his use of space is extremely interesting. I found that the images I found most aesthetically appealing had a very maroon blue yellow color. They feel very surreal in some ways as if you had stepped into another world where everything is beautiful. Their is never any doubt that they are only able to exist as photographs. That to me is what makes them so successful. They only exist in this way. 

My second photographer is Veronique Boissacq who's website can be found here. Boissacq is first and for most a studio portraitist. She frequently mixes them with other object or images outside of the studio. What I found most interesting was her mixture of the two thing that visually have absolutely nothing in common. She also only chooses to photograph only young children but in a way that either appears completely innocent and child like or the exact opposite. I also found them theme of color to be throughout her work. A consistent blue cast can bee seen throughout her works. I also found that her light tended to be neutral continuing to keep the emotion of the images flat and disconnected. Her work seems to be the complete opposite of what we as artists expect. We expect emotion or thought or something below the surface but Boissacq's work appears stoic and cold. It isn't until later that you realize her purpose is to remove the identity of her subject.

My final photographer is Jakub Karwowski who's website is found here. He works as both a commercial and fine art photographer. The work shown here is his personal fine art work. It is from two series which speak about women and summer and the emotions it brings out. What I found most interesting was Karwowski's use of  perspective and scale specifically in the first and last example. He also uses light as a way to exploit these choices in his perspective. In the first image his lighting falls across the center of the image yet in the last it falls mostly to the right illuminating the main focus but allowing her setting to be seen fairly well still. Karwowski also isolates his figures fairly wall in space not allowing for extraneous details to compete for attention.



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